Lawyer suspended for soliciting money

MANILA, Philippines - The Supreme Court (SC) suspended lawyer Melanio “Batas” Mauricio Jr. from practicing law for three years for soliciting money from a food firm.

All 15 SC justices ruled that Mauricio violated the lawyer’s oath and the code of professional responsibilities for using his radio and television programs and newspaper columns to attack Foodsphere Inc., which manufactures CDO brand processed food.

Mauricio’s suspension stemmed from a disbarment case filed against him by Foodsphere.

Court records show Mauricio was a signatory to a settlement between Foodsphere and Alberto Cordero, who had complained about the quality of the firm’s CDO liver spread before the Bureau of Food and Drugs in 2004.

Cordero withdrew his complaint following the settlement, but Mauricio subsequently sent Foodsphere an advertising contract. He asked the firm to advertise in the tabloids for which he writes and his television program.

When the firm refused, he attacked Foodsphere through his columns and radio and television programs.

In the same ruling, penned by Associate Justice Conchita Carpio-Morales, the SC warned Mauricio he would get a heavier penalty should he commit a similar offense again.

Mauricio was suspended from practicing law for six months in 2005 for charging Valeriana Dalisay P56,000 for legal advice without taking any action in her case. The SC said while giving legal advice constitutes legal service, the attorney’s fee must be reasonable.

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