PASG blames BOC for smuggled Peking ducks

Presidential Anti-Smuggling Group (PASG) chief Antonio Villar Jr. scored the Bureau of Customs (BOC) yesterday for the smuggled Peking ducks, which were found in Valenzuela City the other day despite a ban on poultry products that has been in effect for the past six years.

Villar said in a radio interview that the Peking ducks smuggled into the country came from China.

“These items have been banned for six years but how come they get past Customs?” he said.

Despite the ban, Villar said Peking ducks are readily available in restaurants of big hotels and in Chinese restaurants because “the rich Chinese, their celebration is not complete without Peking duck, just like lechon or roast pig is to us. That’s a big question. How do you close down big hotels and restaurants (offering Peking duck)?”

He asked BOC chief Napoleon Morales to monitor their personnel for possible involvement in smuggling.

PASG personnel raided cold storage facilities of Solivar Trading Tuesday and found Peking ducks, frozen meat and seafood worth P100 million.

“We will request Customs to examine even the interior of refrigerated vans because the declared items could be put in front to hide the smuggled goods,” Villar said. – Pia Lee-Brago

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