Man jailed for flashing housewife

A woman who investigated a noise outside her house in Barangay Talipapa, Quezon City just after midnight yesterday found, not a thief, but a man naked from the waist down, flaunting his genitals at her.

Housewife Marietta Briz, 50, called the attention of barangay watchmen upon seeing Rudy Akilmac, 25, who ran and attempted to hide at a nearby vacant lot. He was arrested and detained at the Quezon City Police District-Station 3 for a few hours.

Police Officer 2 Al Ponferrada said Akilmac was due for release yesterday afternoon since Briz failed to show up and press charges. Ponferrada said they can only detain a person without charges for only 12 hours.

Had Briz shown up, Akilmac could have been charged with unjust vexation, Ponferrada said in an interview.

Ponferrada said Akilmac, a vendor, was apparently intoxicated at the time of his arrest. He was wearing a shirt bearing the words “stripper rebel” when he was caught.

The police are still trying to determine what Akilmac was doing in Barangay Talipapa since he is a resident of Caloocan City. – Reinir Padua

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