Alleged NPA leader moved to Manila City Jail

An alleged official of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA), linked to a mass murder in Leyte 24 years ago, has been transferred from the custodial center in Camp Crame to the Manila City Jail (MCJ) yesterday afternoon.

Senior Jail Officer 2 Ramino Bonifacio, MCJ assistant desk officer, confirmed that the 60-year-old Randall Echanis, accused of committing mass murder in 1984, has been formally turned over to the MCJ at 1:15 p.m. yesterday.

“He would be placed inside MCJ-Dorm 3. This is the dorm for inmates with no group or gang affiliation,” said SJO2 Bonifacio.

He said they were merely following a commitment order issued by Manila Regional Trial Court Judge Thelma Bunyi-Medina to transfer the peasant leader to MCJ. Medina is presiding over the multiple murder case filed against him.

But Echanis’ lawyer, Jobert Pahilga, said their camp is not in favor of his client being moved to the MCJ.

“We were surprised by the transfer, there was no hearing on the motion to transfer,” he said, adding that Echanis’ transfer was only announced during a court hearing last Friday.

Pahilga said he will file a motion for reconsideration on Tuesday. “He is already 60 years old and has many ailments such as hypertension. He also cannot stay at the MCJ because it is already congested,”

At present, there are 4,574 inmates at the MCJ, way beyond the 3,000-prisoner capacity of the prison compound.

The lawyer denied allegations that Echanis is a member of the CPP-NPA. He clarified that his client is the deputy secretary general for internal affairs of the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas. He is also the founder of the Samahan ng mga Ex-detainees Laban sa Detensyon at para sa Amnestiya.

In year 2006, the authorities dug up a mass grave in Hilongos, Leyte and alleged that Echanis was involved in killing 14 people buried there. The crime reportedly happened in 1984. But his lawyer denied the allegations, saying that at the time of the murders, the peasant leader was detained in Camp Adduru in Tuguergarao, Cagayan Valley.

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