Tips flood NBI’s ‘complain-through-text’ program

Two days after launching a program by which the public can send complaints through text messages, officials of the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) found themselves flooded with tips and complaints on crimes.

NBI-Field Operations Division (FOD) chief Head Agent Roland Argabioso said he was overwhelmed by the public’s response to their “Kasali Ka” project, which was launched last Tuesday.

“The bulk of the information started coming in last Wednesday evening. Up until Thursday evening, I would say that we have received between 200 to 300 information sent either through text messages, Internet e-mail or through our landline number,” Argabioso said.

He said that so far, about 40 percent of the complaints the NBI received were on cybersex crime, 30 percent on illegal drugs, 10 percent on wanted persons, and the remaining 20 percent were queries on NBI clearances and how to deal with domestic problems.

“One of the information we received was a tip on the location of a suspect in a controversial homicide case. Immediately, I dispatched a team to survey the area where the suspect is said to be hiding. I think there is a possibility that the report may be true,” Argabioso said.

There were reports that the suspect has left the country, but he said most fugitives will try to mislead their pursuers into believing they have left the country.

Argabioso said they had to screen the information to weed out tips sent by pranksters, but assured the public that the NBI has its own way of confirming the reports.

He encouraged people to call either their office at (02) 525-3094; Globe cellular number 0927-3128999; Smart cellular number 0921-6188799; or send them an email at

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