QC prosecutor, cop foil hostage taker

An assistant city prosecutor in Quezon City, using his skills as a martial arts expert and bodybuilding champion, subdued an inmate who took a court stenographer hostage for 15 minutes inside a jampacked courtroom in Quezon City yesterday morning.

Raymund Jonathan Lledo, resident prosecutor of Quezon City Regional Trial Court Branch 88, told The STAR that Judge Rosanna Fe Maglaya was hearing the case of robbery suspect Allan Cabongco when the latter suddenly went wild.

Lledo said Cabongco threw a small bottle but missed Maglaya. The suspect then pulled out a screwdriver and leaped towards the judge, who had fled to her chambers for safety.

After failing to get Maglaya, Cabongco pounced on court stenographer Melinda Ocampo and took her hostage.

Lledo, who stands 5’ 10”’ and weighs 240 pounds, and assisted by Police Officer 3 Roberto Lobihan, grappled with Cabongco and successfully subdued him. The drama lasted for 15 minutes.

Cabongco was immediately brought back to the Quezon City Jail.

Police are still investigating how Cabongco managed to bring the screwdriver and a small bottle inside the courtroom.

Police said criminal charges are being prepared against the suspect.

Lledo, who is also the executive vice president of the Samahan ng Barbelista ng Pilipinas (SBP), is a member of the Philippine team that represented the country in the last National Amateur Body Building Competition in Germany, where they won top titles.

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