Security guard files raps vs MPD commander

A security guard filed last Friday several charges, including arbitrary detention and human rights violations, against two ranking Manila Police District officers, including a station commander.

Daniel Luis Tabinas accused Superintendent Jose Asayo, commander of MPD station 4 in Balic-Balic, Sampaloc, of beating him up and locking him behind bars after Asayo accused Tabinas of stealing.

Aside from Asayo, also accused was Senior Inspector Carlo Manuel allegedly for trumping up charges against Tabinas, Alfred Quilang Jr., manager of 1957 Security and Investigation Agency, and the agency’s security officer Napoleon Saccuan.

The agency, which Tabinas works for, was said to be owned by the Asayo family. Tabinas was assigned as a night watchman at the Technological Institute of the Philippines (TIP) in Quiapo, Manila.

In his complaint with the Manila prosecutor’s office, Tabinas stated that he was on duty on the night of Nov. 20 when Quilang and Saccuan arrived with five men at around 7:35 p.m.

Quilang questioned him about the loss of the school’s generator starter and claimed that a witness had pointed to Tabinas as the culprit. Tabinas denied the accusation and Saccuan brought him to Asayo even though Tabinas had pointed out that the school was within the jurisdiction of the MPD’s station 3.

Tabinas told Asayo he was innocent and pointed out that charges should first be filed if he was to be locked up. That, however, allegedly enraged Asayo and Tabinas was ordered handcuffed. Asayo then punched Tabinas several times in the chest while two policemen held him. Tabinas was also struck with a nightstick in the back.

Tabinas’ pockets were also emptied and his mobile phone, identification cards, coin purse and an MP4 audio player, which Tabinas had switched on and secretly recorded the conversation.

Tabinas was then taken to a detention cell where he was reportedly left to the mercy of detainees who allegedly beat him up. His wife Hilda took his photograph while inside the jail.

Tabinas said he was only released the following day after his wife paid Asayo P7,000 for the lost generator starter. Asayo and Manuel then prepared an affidavit wherein Tabinas had reportedly confessed his misdeed.

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