‘Pests for a prize’ drive in Navotas

The Navotas municipal government, in an effort to control the proliferation of pests that carry various types of disease, has launched a town-wide intensified health program dubbed as "Ubos Peste Campaign."

Mayor Toby Tiangco said that to ensure the success of the project, it was introduced as competition with corresponding prizes.

The competition has four categories: mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and rats.

The resident who brings the most number of pests at the Municipal Health Office has a chance to win weekly prizes of P3,000 (first), P2,000 (second) and P1,000 (third) per category.

The awarding of prizes would be held during the weekly flag ceremony at Municipal Hall every Monday.

The Municipal Health Office under Dr. Hector David, the Public Information Office, headed by Jerry Doringo, and the Municipal Accounting Office are the local offices tasked to ensure the project’s success and achievement of objectives.

Tiangco urged his constituents to join the project and to keep their surroundings clean.

He reminded them to be familiar with the signs of disease, especially the mosquito-borne dengue illness.

"This campaign serves as an eye-opener to those who are still unaware of the ill effects of pests and unclean environments. I hope my fellow Navoteños will value the importance of cleanliness as a potent weapon to fight all kinds of diseases," Tiangco said. –Pete Laude

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