Muntinlupa to provide free tutorials to pre-schoolers

The Muntinlupa City government will provide free tutorial sessions to pre-schoolers in the city during the summer months under the program of the Youth Affairs and Sports Development Office (YASDO).

The city’s Public Information Office said that the project, which is now in its fifth year, will be facilitated by teachers of the city’s Early Childhood Education Division in coordination with a number of youth organizations from the different barangays.

"Sessions will be conducted at various day-care centers in the city starting April 19 to May 6 and will cover programs aimed at improving the children’s skills in reading, writing and arithmetic. The program is expected to benefit 1,000 kids," Tez Valencia, PIO chief, said.

She said that YASDO will also offer free painting, dance and voice lessons to children aged 10 and above.

YASDO said programs to be implemented in coordination with the Philippine Sports Commission opens on May 5.

Children can choose from various sports activities including taekwondo, judo, karate-do, gymnastics, chess and basketball. – Rhodina Villanueva

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