Teen beaten to death

A 14-year-old girl died from a severe beating at the hands of three male youths in Paco, Manila last Friday evening, police said yesterday.

Sabrina Santos, a student, was admitted dead on arrival at the Ospital ng Maynila.

Police said she suffered multiple abrasions. The exact cause of her death, however, would only be ascertained after an autopsy, according to police investigators.

Police said Santos and her female friends were on their way home past 6 p.m. when they were accosted by three male youths at the corner of Quirino Avenue and Leon Guinto street in Singalong.

Witnesses said the male youths took turns in beating the hapless victim until she lost consciousness.

The youths scampered away when the victim fell.

Police are now looking at a possible street gang rivalry as the motive for the attack even as authorities launched a hunt for the young culprits.

In Sta. Cruz, a 38-year-old driver is now in serious condition after he was repeatedly stabbed by his neighbor following a quarrel over garbage.

Arnel Trinidad, of a squatters’ area along Mayhaligue street, is under observation at the Jose Reyes Memorial Medical Center for multiple stab wounds in the chest.

Police said Trinidad figured in a quarrel with a certain "Eddie Puto" when he saw him throwing trash in the latter’s garbage can. However, cooler heads prevented the two from attacking each other.

After several minutes, the suspect returned and challenged the victim to a fight. When the victim came out of his house, the suspect pulled out a knife and stabbed him.

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