DOJ to prove ‘escape-for-a-fee’ in Philippine jails

The Department of Justice (DOJ) will use a Sri Lankan national, an inmate at the Bureau of Immigration and Deportation (BID) detention in Camp Bagong Diwa in Bicutan Taguig, to prove that there is an existing "escape-for-a-fee" scheme being peddled inside Philippine jails.

In a telephone interview, Senior State Prosecutor Emmanuel Velasco said the Sri Lankan, who was among the seven foreigners that the DOJ prosecutors and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) have taken into custody over the weekend, will testify on how another Sri Lankan and two Chinese nationals, allegedly facing drug-related cases, escaped from the BID detention cell last December.

"It will strengthen the theory that there is an existing ‘escape-for-a-fee’ deal in Philippine jails.

Velasco said the Sri Lankan, who escaped from the BI detention cell, was about to testify for the government in connection with the mysterious deportation of Zhang Du, one of the accused in the kidnapping of Jackie Tiu.

"The detainees will remain under NBI for protection," Velasco said.

Velasco, who heads the DOJ task force investigating the escape of the three foreigners from the BID detention, said that the jail guards of the BID showed many security lapses.

They also did not even call the Philippine National Police (PNP) Scene of the Crime Operatives (SOCO) to investigate the escape of the Sri Lankan and the two Chinese nationals last December immediately after learning about their escape.

"We need to dig deeper into this," Velasco said.

Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez earlier ordered an investigation to determine who should be held responsible for the mysterious deportation of Zhang Du, alias Wilson Zhang, who was deported on May 7 last year though still facing trial at the San Fernando City Regional Trial Court (RTC) in La Union.

Tiu’s family learned about Zhang’s deportation after Tiu’s father inquired on the development of the trial with the case officer.

"Those responsible for the deportation of Zhang may be charged with infidelity in the custody of a prisoner and dereliction of duty," Gonzalez said.

He explained that Zhang’s deportation while facing trial of a heinous crime is an act prejudicial to the interests of the Philippine government.

"This is a serious matter. Those responsible must face the consequences of their action. I ordered the Bureau of Immigration to explain," Gonzalez said.

Reports had it that Zhang, whose charge was reduced from prime suspect to accessory, was out on bail.

However, during the course of the trial it was discovered that he was staying in the country illegally and had been held by the Bureau of Immigration at the BID detention facility in Bicutan, Taguig City since 2002.

Tiu, now 33, has filed a complaint with Commissioner Alipio Fernandez last August after Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Arturo Lomibao confirmed Zhang’s deportation.

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