Fire hits nursing school

A fire of undetermined origin struck a nursing school in Sampaloc, Manila past midnight yesterday.

The quick response of firefighters prevented the fire from engulfing the entire five-story structure of the Mary Chiles General Hospital and Nursing College located on Gastambide street in Sampaloc.

The nursing school is situated adjacent to the hospital complex, prompting the hospital staff to evacuate their patients at the height of the fire.

No one was reported hurt.

According to arson investigator SFO1 Wilson Tana, the fire started at about 1:25 a.m. at the school’s faculty room located at the ground floor of the building.

The fire reached the second alarm before it was put out 25 minutes later.

Classes at the nursing school were temporarily suspended yesterday.

Damage to property reached P50,000. Arson investigators are still determining the cause of the fire. – Nestor Etolle

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