Fernando seeks protection from bus operators

Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA) Chairman Bayani Fernando called on legitimate bus operators to protect him against his detractors so he can continue protecting them and their interests.

"I fight for you and your rights. You should protect me so I can continue doing my job," he toldbus operators during a meeting on the upcoming implementation of the Organized Bus Route (OBR) scheme along EDSA.

Fernando issued the call as the MMDAprepares to launch the OBR which is expected o rid EDSA of illegal and out-of-line buses.

He said the MMDA should not be feared by legitimate bus owners. Those whose operations are illegal are the ones who should fear laws and policies that seek to put order on things.

The OBR seeks to systematize the fielding of bus units on a terminal to terminal basis. But this system also gives the MMDA the power to check each bus everyday.

Fernando anticipates a surge of attacks and protests from those who will be affected by the scheme’s full implementation within the next few weeks. As it is, more than a hundred buses have been impounded since the MMDA started checking on each bus on EDSA last month.   

The MMDA has started tagging buses so that they can be enlisted and issued cue cards as soon as the OBR implementation starts. Under the scheme, buses will be deployed from bus terminals only if they are needed, depending on the number of passengers at specific times of the day.

Bus owners and operators had pledged support for the OBR and Fernando, whom they lauded as one of the few government officials who can speak directly to the people. Michael Punongbayan

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