Motorists bewail excessive Coastal toll

Toll authorities running the Cavite Coastal Road should start brushing up on their math.

The state-run Public Estates Authority-Tollways Corp. (PEA-TC) started collecting yesterday the expanded value added tax (EVAT) on tollways for the entire stretch of the Cavite Coastal Road, not at 10 percent as provided for by law, but at 20 percent.

Class A vehicles, which were previously subjected to P5 toll at the Kabihasnan exit of the Coastal Road, were charged P6, or an increase equivalent to 20 percent.

Ten percent VAT should mean an increase in the toll from P5 to P5.50.

Angry motorists found themselves paying more than what they should when PEA-TC toll collectors charged them a Coastal Road toll that was higher than what is mandated by Republic Act 9337.

A long line of vehicles slowed down traffic at the Coastal Road toll exits as motorists argued with the PEA-TC toll collectors.

Without prior notice, the PEA-TC implemented the higher toll fees when it just posted yesterday the new rate of P6 at their toll gates on Kabihasnan.

Motorists further complained that the PEA-TC does not even issue a decent receipt. Toll collectors merely hand out a small piece of white paper, which motorists just throw out from their car windows and end up littering Coastal Road.

called up the office of PEA-TC president Arthur Aguilar yesterday, but was told by a messenger that his boss was out of the office with his secretary and two technical assistants.

The PEA-TC is attached to the PEA which owns and operates the Coastal Road.

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