Caltex spearheads reading program

Oil firm Caltex Philippines held yesterday the graduation rites for a supplemental reading program for elementary school pupils of a Mandaluyong public school.

Some 120 students from Grade 1 and 2 of the Andres Bonifacio Integrated School (ABIS) in Welfareville Compound, Mandaluyong were certified as readers after undergoing the Caltex Mentor Program (CMP).

Along with the 120 certified readers, about 63 employees of Caltex and other corporate entities "graduated" as CMP volunteers for giving their time as mentor to Mandaluyong’s STAR, or Students At Risk of not being able to read in public schools.

Present during the ceremonies were Caltex country manager Randall Johnson, officials of the Mandaluyong Chamber of Commerce, Caltex officials, Mandaluyong Vice Mayor Jesse Cruz, and ABIS principal Juanito Galang.

CMP is the oil firm’s flagship volunteer program which encourages its employees, customers and various business partners to give their personal time and talents to lend a helping hand for better education in public schools. Caltex took care of funding the program.

The CMP had conducted its supplemental reading program for young students in Metro Manila, Batangas, and Pangasinan, boasting of an 80 percent success rate in making readers out of STAR. – Rainier Allan Ronda

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