Medal of bravery for Pasay cop

Metro police chief Director Avelino Razon Jr. awarded yesterday the Medalya ng Sugatang Magiting medal to a Pasay policeman who was wounded while fighting four armed motorcycle-riding men during a shootout last Friday.

Razon pinned the medal on PO1 Edgar Moscosa during simple rites at his hospital bed at the San Juan de Dios hospital, where he is recuperating from seven gunshot wounds in the body.

"While the command is strict and uncompromising against misdemeanors committed by policemen, it is, however, very generous in giving acclamation to acts of sacrifice, bravery and honesty," Razon said.

Initial investigation showed that Moscosa was on a routine patrol along EDSA near the Malibay flyover at 9:40 p.m. last Friday when the suspects riding tandem on two motorcycles stopped behind him and opened fire.

Although wounded, Moscosa returned fire, forcing the four suspects to flee on foot leaving behind their motorcycles.

Razon has coordinated with the Land Transportation Office to determine the real owners of the motorcycles and possibly identify the suspects.

The Metro police chief ordered the immediate capture of the suspects. Non Alquitran

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