WPD going back to condo crime scene

The Western Police District (WPD) is set to conduct another ocular probe at the condominium unit of rape-slay victim Candice Castro, hoping to find more evidence to identify the killers and ensure their conviction.

The investigation will be conducted tomorrow upon the request of Candice’s mother Grace Castro, who believes the killers of her daughter left something that would lead to their identification and eventual prosecution.

The ocular investigation will be conducted by the WPD-SOCO (Scene of the Crime Operatives).

"We want to personally witness the occular investigation because we hope to get more evidence against her killers," Mrs. Castro told The STAR in an interview.

She said the lock on the condo unit’s door has been changed after a number of the victim’s belongings mysteriously turned up in several places.

"We decided to change the lock at the condominium to prevent other people from altering the crime scene or getting her valuables," she pointed out.

The mother recalled that Candice’s passport was returned to them by an unidentified woman, who found it at a nearby fastfood restaurant.

Candice was found murdered inside her condominium unit No. 1103 at the Vellagio Tower on Leon Guinto street, Malate, Manila last May 12. She had 24 stab wounds in the body.

Her remains have been taken to her hometown in Naga City where she will be buried today.

So far, the WPD has arrested 23-year-old Philippe Marcelo for the rape-slay. Investigators said Marelo had scratches in the face, believed to have been inflicted by Candice when she tried to fight back during the attack.

During interrogation, Marcelo tagged Babes Reyes as the alleged mastermind.

Marcelo, however, could not substantiate with concrete evidence his claim against Reyes.

Reyes, son of an intelligence officer of the Bureau of Immigration, went into hiding after being implicated in the crime.

In an interview on television, Reyes said he does not intend to surrender, fearing authorities would attempt any-thing to pin him to the crime.

He had submitted his records, including fingerprints and footprints as well as agreeing to a drug test at the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) main office to prove his innocence.

After Candice’s parents sought help, the NBI and the WPD launched a massive manhunt against Reyes.

NBI agents and police checked Reyes at his hometown in Laguna, but returned empty handed.

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