Tondo thrill killers fall

Two members of a street fraternity allegedly responsible for a series of thrill killings in Tondo, Manila, have been arrested by the Manila police in follow-up operations in their known lairs in the city.

Jose Abad Santos police station chief Superintendent Rodolfo Llorca identified the suspects as Marte Mandiag, 31, jobless, of Morong Extension, Tondo, and Rolando Illustre, 32, a Batang City Jail gang member, of Gagalangin, Tondo. Mandiag is allegedly the president and adviser of the fraternity.

Llorca said the two are responsible for the series of slayings and frustrated murder in the past three months in Tondo, with mostly youths as their victims.

Their latest victims, according to Llorca, were 15-year-old student Kevin Sobritchea and 14-year-old student Michco Nikko Jabat, who were attacked unprovoked.

Jabat died while undergoing treatment at a hospital, while Sobritchea survived the attack. It was the latter who positively identified the suspects when brought before him.

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