Game over

Two persons were arrested for shooting and wounding a security guard during an aborted robbery of an Internet café in Malate, Manila the other night.

Arrested were Jonas Antonio, 18, of Isla Puting Bato, Tondo, and Graciano Nivales, 21, of Batangas Line, Sta. Ana, both in Manila.

The two were positively identified by security guard Avelino Tacdoro, 49, as the one who barged into the Cross Road Internet Café along Angel Linao street in Malate, Manila at around 11 p.m. last Tuesday.

Tacdoro is now at the Philippine General Hospital undergoing treatment for gunshot wounds in the body.

Police said that as the suspects entered the Internet and network gaming establishment they suddenly grabbed Tacdoro’s service shotgun. With the guard disarmed, Antonio shot him twice with a caliber .38 revolver.

After shooting the guard, the suspects panicked after realizing that the shots may have attracted attention. The suspects took off without taking any cash from the establishment. They, however, took the guard’s shotgun with them.

PO1 Julain Tagun, who was conducting a patrol in the area, spotted and arrested an escaping Antonio, who was found in possession of a caliber .38 revolver.

Nivales was later collared by barangay watchmen in the area for a minor violation. He was identified by other witnesses as Antonio’s companion.

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