Fire kills 10 horses in Santa Ana racetrack

Ten race horses were killed after a fire broke out at the Sta. Ana racetrack in Makati City yesterday afternoon.

At least five nearby houses were also destroyed in the fire that reached the second alarm. No one was reported killed or injured.

Reports indicated that the fire started at around 3:05 p.m. and quickly spread to three stables that could each accommodate at least 11 horses.

Two horses reportedly ‘escaped’ the fire. Those that died had suffocated, aside from sustaining burns in their bodies. None of them was reported as a champion race horse, however, the horses were estimated to cost an average of P500,000 each.

They were reportedly owned by businessmen Conrado Co and Romeo Rubio.

Said to be in one of the stables that was not burned was a horse owned by presidential son and Pampanga Vice Governor Mikey Arroyo.

Fire investigators are still determining the cause of the fire.

A fire out was declared at 3:45 p.m.

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