Crisis training at CPD

The Central Police District (CPD) is now conducting extensive crisis management seminars all throughout Quezon City following everyday threats of bombs and terrorist attacks.

According to CPD director Senior Superintendent Napoleon Castro, policemen are continuously giving free lectures and exercises daily to both government and private offices in the city.

The program kicked off last Thursday with a lecture at the National Food Authority office and the Philippine Information Agency led by bomb experts and other operatives.

Chief Inspector Rodolfo Jaraza, head of the CPD-Intelligence Unit, said this is necessary so government and private employees will be able to handle crisis "if ever they happen."

"We receive threats everyday. Many of them turn out to be hoaxes, but we are not taking any chances. We won’t let up," Jaraza told The STAR in an interview.

SPO4 Mario Manahan added that the lectures are on a daily basis. He stressed that the so-called crisis management seminars would be "non-stop" until the heightened alert status has been called off.

"We are in a violent situation right now. Not only in the metropolis, but nationwide. It is very important that people know what to do in case anything bad happens," Manahan said.

Investigators said policemen involved in the training of civilians go around the city offering to give the free lectures to offices on handling bomb threats and bomb attacks. – Matthew Estabillo

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