Business deals up to 1,500 daily

The average daily transactions for both business and real estate taxes have increased from 1,000 to 1,500 a day with the implementation of the computerization program of the Quezon City government.

Information Technology chairman and Department of Public Order and Safety (DPOS) head Manuel Sabalza said the full implementation of the program will significantly improve the payment process of various fees and taxes in the QC Hall.

A development plan has been designed for the distribution of 460 PCs delivered while a training program will be conducted for the users.

Under the computerized payment, Sabalza said that a real estate taxpayer would be given an assessment of tax due upon presentation of last receipt paid, or in the absence of a receipt, by simply giving his full name at any of the windows at the Taxpayer’s Assessment Lounge.

With regard to business permits, he said the taxpayer has to declare his gross income for the previous year for purposes of assessment. After payment of the tax due at the Taxpayer’s Lounge, the taxpayer would be issued an official receipt for real estate and Mayor’s permit for business establishments.

The assessment will automatically come out upon entry of the taxpayer’s name or permit number, since the computation table is in the system.

Assistant City Administrator for Internal Affairs Pacifico Maghakot said that with the computerized system, the processing of Mayor’s permit has been reduced to approximately 20 minutes but this does not include high-risk business establishments.

He added that the assessment for the taxes/fees to be paid comes out from the computers once the gross income is declared but no permit would be released or printed by the machine if no payment has been made. Pia Lee-Brago

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