Police fear possible release of assassin

Police investigators have expressed concern over the possible release of the prime suspect in the assassination of former Manila Councilor Chika Go.

This developed as Manila Assistant Prosecutor Reynaldo Liwanag reportedly ordered further investigation on the Go murder case, which could result in the release of alleged gunman Victor Macaldo.

"We heard the inquest prosecutor ordered further investigation into the case. This means we have no way of keeping him jailed," said an investigator from the Western Police District (WPD).

He pointed out that if the suspect is released, he would surely go into hiding.

Macaldo, 26, has admitted to being a gun-for-hire and reportedly admitted killing Go in Binondo, Manila on Aug. 10.

The source said the prosecutor apparently considered the period of inquest from the time of the killing, which is more than 20 days. "That’s the discretion of the prosecutors who are following certain guidelines in giving orders."

A police investigator said they would file an appeal with the prosecutor for the reconsideration of the order.

"Macaldo is a hardened criminal who had killed a number of persons and robbed a number of establishments in the past," Liwanag claimed.

Police have also linked Macaldo in the robbery of gasoline stations on Tayuman Street and P. Sanchez Street, both in Manila two months ago.

In the incident on P. Sanchez, police said witnesses positively identified Macaldo as the one who grabbed the shotgun of the gas station’s security guard.

"Considering the series of criminal activities of (Victor) Macaldo in the past, he should not be released to prevent him from carrying out other illegal activities," the source said. Cecille Suerte Felipe

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