Doc’s victim makes leap of death

This poor soul must have really hated doctors and hospitals.

A mentally deranged man jumped to his death from the second-floor of the Quezon City General Hospital just several hours after being shot by a physician he had harassed.

Constancio Danuco, 43, of 108th Street, New Manila, suffered fatal head injuries and died on impact.

Danuco was shot and injured by Dr. Rizalino Jose Thursday morning at a gasoline station in Quezon City after he hurled a rock at the physician’s vehicle.

He was rushed to the Quezon City General Hospital and was confined at the trauma ward located on the second floor. Police sources said hospital personnel had to tie him down to his bed because of his "mental condition."

At 9:50 p.m., the victim was able to free himself from the bed, went straight to the room’s window, and, without hesitation, jumped out.

Danuco landed on the concrete pavement and cracked his skull, doctors said.

Danuco was rushed to the emergency room, but the victim never had a chance.

Meanwhile, operatives of the Central Police District are still studying possible attempted homicide charges against Jose, but said "everything still depends on the outcome of the investigation."

Jose claimed that Danuco was indeed the one who hurled a rock at his Nissan California and damaged the windshield while he and his wife were at a Shell gasoline station on West Avenue at 10:30 a.m.

When Jose confronted Danuco, the latter allegedly attacked him, prompting the doctor to pull out his licensed .45 caliber and shoot his assailant twice in the chest.

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