MMDA losing money in compost project

The Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) reported that it is losing money in compost processing operations in its materials recovery facilities (MRF).

MMDA Chairman Bayani Fernando told reporters that the compost the MRFs are producing is piling up because no one is interested in purchasing it.

The piles of compost have already caused problems for the MMDA specifically at its Manggahan, Pasig MRF which the Pasig City government has threatened close down.

Pasig City Mayor Soledad Eusebio previously informed Fernando about the complaints of her constituents that the MRF was emitting foul odor.

Eusebio pointed out that the MRF is surrounded by subdivisions and villages and that a number of residents have already brought the problem to her attention.

She promised the residents that she would close down the MRF within two weeks if the MMDA fails to do anything about it. However, Fernando said that he has convinced Eusebio to give him some time to inspect the site and remedy the problem.

Based on the investigation conducted by the MMDA, it was revealed that the stench was emanating from the compost stocked in the facility.

Fernando said that the MMDA is finding it hard to sell or even give away the compost because there is little use for it in the metropolis.

Compost is a soil conditioner produced from biodegradable garbage treated with chemicals and enzymes. Marvin Sy

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