‘Shape up or be shipped out’

Shape up or be shipped out.

This warning was aired yesterday by Metro Manila police chief Deputy Director General Edgar Aglipay against three station commanders for their alleged failure to stop jueteng in their areas of responsibility.

Aglipay directed his warnings to Superintendents Joel Baloro, Rosendo Franco and Ruben Catabona, the chiefs of police of Pateros, Cubao, Quezon City and Parañaque City, respectively.

The Metro Manila police chief also reminded precinct, station and district commanders of their "Three Strike, You’re Out" policy on those who fail to act against illegal gambling, kidnapping-for-ransom, bank and payroll robbery and illegal drugs.

Aglipay himself was one of the seven ranking police officials ordered sacked by Interior Secretary Joey Lina for alleged failure to curb jueteng in their jurisdiction.

But while waiting for his replacement, Aglipay continued to discharge his functions and opted to renew his fight against the illegal numbers game.

Aglipay issued his warning against Baloro, Franco and Catabona after elements of the Regional Intelligence and Special Operations Office (RISOO) and the Counter Intelligence and Special Unit (CISU) conducted successful raids in Pateros, Cubao and Parañaque, netting 46 jueteng operators and the seizing of close to P50,000 in cash.

The three station commanders, Aglipay said, will be told to explain in writing why they failed to stop jueteng in their areas of jurisdiction.

"If they submit satisfactory explanation then they will be allowed to retain their posts," said Aglipay, as he gave assurance that due process would be observed in the relief of the police officials concerned.

Superintendent Bayani de la Rea, RISOO chief, explained that the jueteng raids in Cubao and Parañaque were coordinated with local intelligence and investigation officials.

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