Boy shoots sister dead

A 14-year-old boy accidentally shot dead his elder sister with a gun he mistook for a toy while playing inside their house in Las Piñas City, the police said.

The boy is now undergoing medical and psychiatric examination "due to continuous chilling and traumatic behavior" after firing a homemade caliber .38 revolver at his 18-year-old sister while she was coming out of the bathroom about 6:40 p.m. Monday.

Investigators said the boy was playing "guns" with a cousin inside their house at Buckingham street, BF Resort Village Las Piñas when the incident occurred.

Investigator-on-case Senior Police Officer 1 Willy Dalawangbayan said the boy earlier pressed the trigger of the revolver on his cousin while playing but the gun did not fire.

He then turned on his sister and "fired." The victim was declared dead on arrival at the Perpetual Help Medical Center.

Probers said the boy got the gun from his sister’s dresser cabinet at the second floor of their house. The gun was reportedly left by the former occupant of the house, investigators said.

The siblings were living in the house with an aunt and an uncle, said to be a Las Piñas policeman. Their mother was reportedly working in Japan while their father was "away" at the time. Jose Aravilla

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