Police nab 13 males dancing in the nude

Operatives of the Western Police District Intelligence Unit (WPD-IU) rounded up 13 male dancers, who were performing nude on stage in a gay bar in Sta. Mesa, Manila before dawn yesterday.

Police raided Expectations Disco Bar located along Ramon Magsaysay Ave., Sta. Mesa, Manila. The operation was conducted at around 1 a.m. However, operatives failed to arrest the owner and maintainer of the bar. The male dancers will be charged with indecent exposure and working without proper permits.

Police Officer 3 Larry Javier said the raid was carried out following reports that the establishment has been holding lewd shows.

learned that majority of beerhouses, girly and gay bars in Metro Manila have been holding lewd shows with impunity for the past weeks.

The government’s all-out war against all forms of illegal vices has apparently died down after the change of administration.

Even Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Director General Leandro Mendoza has never been vocal in his drive against illegal vices, particularly gambling, prostitution and nightspots holding lewd shows.

"Kaya naman masaya ang mga pulis na patong sa mga beerhouses na may bold shows, (That’s why many policemen are now having their heyday because they get grease money from nightspots holding bold shows), a source said. Cecille Suerte Felipe

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