Parking fee hike plan stirs Makati

Apparently due to adverse public reaction, Makati Mayor Jejomar Binay asked the board of the Makati Parking Authority (MAPA) yesterday to review the parking fee increases that were supposed to take effect this year.

This developed as a ranking city official claimed the city government was willing to suspend or amend its ordinance seeking a 15 percent share of the revenues of the Makati Parking Authority (MAPA) as long as it is proven to be the reason for its recently imposed parking fee hike.

The official noted that the 15 percent share demanded by the city government could be "a bit too steep" for the MAPA which was created as a non-profit private entity. However, the city government stressed that it must have a share of the revenues because it has never collected a single centavo from the MAPA since it started operations in 1988.

In a press statement, Binay said until such time that the board can re-study the proposed hike, the increases would be suspended. Despite the fact that MAPA is a non-profit, private entity, the mayor said the city government has the moral authority to regulate and control its activities since its function is "vested with the public interest." The incumbent mayor of Makati is the ex officio chairman of the board of the body.

Vice Mayor Ernesto Mercado welcomed the mayor’s move ordering MAPA to reconsider the increase. He said that he and the city council will even be willing to review their ordinance seeking a 15 percent share in the parking fee collection of MAPA, if it can be determined that is the major reason for the increase.

Binay has ordered the MAPA board to immediately hold an emergency meeting and review its parking rate hike.

Binay explained that MAPA should not implement its rate hike until such time that it comes up with a viable justification for the action.

MAPA, which controls the open parking spaces in the Central Business District of Makati, recently implemented a 30 percent increase in its parking fees.

The rate effectively translates to P40 for the first three to four hours of parking from P30 in the past. A corresponding increase was also imposed for the succeeding hours.

Binay, as ex-officio Chairman of the Board of MAPA has the authority to demand the review of the rate hike.

Since the creation of the MAPA, Binay has been the chairman of the board although the city government has no stake in the company itself. The city government is not an incorporator of the MAPA in its registration at the Securities and Exchange Commission and its function is primarily to assist the company in formulating traffic management schemes. – Marvin Sy

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