PR man’s van, driver, missing

The Kia Carnival van of a public relations practitioner, along with his driver, were reported missing Thursday night.

Jan Mata, who is connected with the office of Sen. Manny Villar, told agents of the Philippine National Police Traffic Management Group (PNP-TMC) that he had instructed his driver, Romeo Mampang to deliver Christmas gifts to the Senate Thursday morning at 10 a.m.

Having reached the Senate, Mampang, driving the grey Kia Carnival with plane number JVM-499, proceeded to Las Piñas to deliver more presents as well as wait for a package.

Mata’s last contact with him via radio indicated that his driver was on his way to the Pacific Place office of Sen. Villar in Ortigas Center in Pasig at 7 p.m.

An alert has been put out for the missing vehicle by TMG Chief, Chief Superintendent Renato Paredes.

Police theorize that the vehicle was forcibly taken from Mampang as is the modus operandi of Metro Manila car theft syndicates.

Meanwhile, a 36-year-old man who refused to yield his money and valuables to two unidentified knife-wielding men was stabbed dead in a holdup Sunday night in Navotas.

Victim Alfonso Alejo, married, of Bagok Street, Barangay Daang-hari in Navotas, died due to multiple stab wounds in different parts of the body.

Police said the suspects fled with the victim’s money and valuables.

PO3 Charlie Bontigao, investigator on case, said at around 11 p.m., the victim’s body was found blooding along Santilan Street by concerned residents in front of the Carmen Patis factory in San Jose, Navotas.

Police gathered that the vicitm was walking alone when the suspects suddenly appeared from behind. One of them allegedly put his left arm around the victim’s shoulder and poked a knife at his side.

The other suspect took the other side as both tried to divest the victim of his valuables. The victim, however, resisted and was stabbed repeatedly. As the victim fell to the ground, the suspects grabbed at his pockets, took whatever they could and quickly fled. Jerry Botial

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