Two gay bars raided in Caloocan

Two gay bars accused of being prostitution fronts were raided by a combined team of Caloocan City Hall officials and police operatives at dawn yesterday.

Twenty male teenage dancers, who said they preferred to be called "ramp models," were arrested and temporarily detained at the city police detention center.

The raids were led by Acting Caloocan City Mayor Luis "Tito" Varela and City Administrator Mamerto Manahan. With them were police operatives led by Inspector Redulfin Coloma of the City Hall police detachment.

The suspects, whose age ranged from 13 to 21, denied they were dancing in the nude before their clients, composed mostly of gays and matrons. They also denied that the bars were being used for prostitution.

Police officials said they raided the Cecille International Cabaret and the Baron KTV Gay Bar at around 1 a.m., both located at M.H. Del Pilar Street on Third Avenue, Caloocan City.

The two bars were ordered closed and were personally padlocked by city officials.

Varela, who took over as acting chief executive while Mayor Reynaldo Malonzo is on a three-day trip to Indonesia, said the raids were prompted by complaints from residents in the area. – Jerry Botial

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