NBI agents join cyberspace

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) yesterday joined other Philippine law enforcement agencies in cyberspace with the launching of its own website.

Net surfers can now access the NBI website at www.nbi.doj.gov.ph and browse at its content. Most of the contents, however, are still under construction.

At the moment, the NBI site only presents the history of the bureau, contact numbers of its various field units and links to violence against children and international police agencies.

But according to Ruben Solitario, head of the NBI’s Electronic Data Processing division, they are now working to incorporate an on-line complaint system to the website as well as an online informant system where informants can give the NBI information about criminal incidents and suspects without being identified.

In his website message, NBI director Reynaldo Wycoco recognized the potentials of the internet in effective and efficient crime fighting and investigation.

"Today, as one traverses the vast expense of cyberspace, a web surfer swiftly gains access to the information highway with speed and precision. The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), an investigative agency mandated to provide public service through effective and efficient crime investigation, joins the cyberworld as it opens a website," he said.

"Cognizant of the importance of information technology, the NBI ensures appropriate data and information to Net users. It is hoped that through this website, law enforcement by-and —large, as well as the universal crusade against crime and lawlessness will be immeasurably enhanced, for we all share in the earnest effort to realize a common concern, an orderly and peaceful universal melieu," Wycoco added.

As these developed, the NBI also gave a public demonstration of its computerized clearance renewal kiosk. Through the use of the kiosk, applicants no longer need to go to the NBI headquarters in Manila to renew their clearances.

Solitario said that the NBI plans to install four kiosks in Metro Manila soon. Each kiosk will be equipped with a bar code reading scanner, a computer link to the NBI database, a digital camera and a printer.

According to Solitario, an application can have his clearance renewed in just minutes and be issued a new clearance provided he has no namesakes or criminal records in the bureau’s database.

Initially, the bureau intends to install a kiosk each at the Shoemart Megamall, at the Gotesco Mall in Caloocan City and at two more sites in the southern and eastern portions of Metro Manila.

"At the kiosk, the bar code of the applicant’s old clearance will be scanned and then compared with the records at the NBI’s database. If the applicant has no records, his photograph will then be taken with a digital camera and a new clearance will be printed," Solitario said.

Solitario assured that the kiosk will be tamper-proof and will be manned by competent NBI technicians.

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