WPD association warns ICU cops

Inept, corrupt and undisciplined (ICU) policemen, beware!

An organization of Manila policemen has launched a novel scheme to encourage people to report the illegal activities of their members.

Under Task Force Brotherhood of the 3,000-strong Manila’s Finest Brotherhood Association, Inc. (MFBAI), complaints against erring policemen will be immediately investigated.

"The purpose of the task force is to mend the ways of erring members by instilling discipline. ICU members will be warned of legal action should they persist," explained MFBAI president SPO4 Wilson Tibor.

He also emphasized that complainants need not worry for their safety, since their identity will be kept confidential.

The MFBAI holds office at the ground floor of the Western Police District (WPD) headquarters along United Nations Avenue in Ermita, Manila.

According to Tibor, residents are more aware of the illegal activities of their neighborhood policeman. However, most are reluctant to report them to authorities for fear of retribution.

"The task force will personally talk with the erring member to dissuade him from further continuing with his illegal activities. Insistence of the erring policeman to continue his illegal activities will constrain the Brotherhood to file a formal complaint against him," Tibor said.

He cited as examples, PO3 Marajan Peyoh and SPO1 Donato Armat who were arrested by Task Force Brotherhood for engaging in illegal drugs and robbery, respectively. The MFBAI is the complainant in the two cases filed in courts.

"The illegal activities of these two policemen were furnished us by concerned residents. The Brotherhood tried at first to advise the two to stop their illegal activities, but when they persisted, we arrested and charged them in court," Tibor said.

He stressed though that they only act on information which is not the subject of a complaint with other investigative bodies. "In this way, there is no overlapping of investigative work," he added.

WPD director Chief Superintendent Avelino Razon Jr. gave his full support for the MFBAI’s worthy endeavor.

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