Woman hacks drunken man

CEBU, Philippines - A woman hacked a drunken neighbor in sitio Saac in barangay Buaya, Lapu-Lapu City yesterday dawn for destroying the wall of her house and tearing the cover of her trisikad.

The condition Lito Pedellon, 34, is in right now is no joking matter. He has wounds above the left eye, head, and different parts of his body.

Police said a tipsy Pedellon made a scene in the neighborhood at around 12:30 dawn yesterday

PO1 Wilson Jose Gonzaga said Cleofe Piamonte, 29, had advised Pedellon to stop shouting.

But the man answered back, and the conversation turned into a shouting match.

Pedellon suddenly shifted his attention to the woman’s house, tearing off the “amacan” walling.

Not contented, he also tore the tarpaulin cover of her trisikad.

 Piamonte grabbed a 15-inch bolo and struck the man several times.

Piamonte was arrested and is now detained at the holding cell of the Lapu-Lapu City Police Office.

Pedellon was taken to the Don Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center in Cebu City. (FREEMAN)

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