9 arrested for selling pornographic movies

CEBU, Philippines - Nine people, three of whom are minors, were arrested for selling pirated pornographic DVD’s in five barangays in Mandaue City.

A total of 277 pornographic DVD’s estimated to be worth P17,000 were seized during the simultaneous raids last Monday night.

Dubbed “Oplan Magdalena,” the raids in Barangays Banilad, Maguikay, Casuntingan, Basak and Canduman were conducted by operatives of the Investigative and Detective Management Bureau of the PNP, the PNP Women’s Desk, and personnel from six police stations in Mandaue City.

The raids were conducted after the police proved during a buy bust operation that the suspects were indeed selling pirated DVD’s.

IDMB Deputy chief P/Insp. Ramil Morpos said the pornographic films were not displayed prominently but were made available upon request.

Nasrodin Abubacar, 30, of Barangay Mantuyong was arrested at his stall along A.S. Fortuna Street in Barangay Banilad.

Valeriano Fernenadez, 65, of Talisay City was arrested at his stall in Barangay Maguikay.

Wallie Lopez, 34, a resident of Cebu was caught at his stall in Barangay Canduman.

Desilyn Faith Marie Vergara and her twin sister Desilyn Faith Joy, both 18 years old, and residents of Guihulngan, Negros Oriental was arrested while watching over a stall in Barangay Basak.

Another female suspect, Mae Ramos, 18, of Davao City was also caught while watching over a stall in Barangay Maguikay.

 The three minors were found watching over another stall in Barangay Basak.

Morpos said a case for violation of Article 201 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended by Presidential Decree 969, or the selling of pornographic films are being prepared against the six suspects who are of legal age.

The three minors will be turned over to the Mandaue City Social Welfare Service Office. - THE FREEMAN

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