Motorcycle hits 2 girls

CEBU, Philippines - An eight-year-old girl and her 7-year-old cousin were rushed to hospital yesterday morning after getting hit by a speeding motorcycle while crossing a street in barangay Canduman, Mandaue City.

Jovelyn Adolfo and cousin Rachel Adolfo, both of Sector 5 in barangay Pagsabungan were taken to the North General Hospital.

Sherwin Sumargo, 22 of Camino road in barangay Canduman, Mandaue City admitted he was driving fast on his way to work and had failed to notice the children. He said he first hit the 8-year-old girl.

Jovelyn sustained severe head injuries and contusions in the different parts of her body while her cousin Rachel sustained bruises and contusions in her body.

Sumargo gave himself up to the police. He is now detained at the Canduman police station. - THE FREEMAN

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