Tricycle operators to get assistance

CEBU, Philippines - In conformity with the Public Transport Assistance Program (PTAP), the Mandaue City government, in coordination with the City Department of Interior of Local Government, will give P150 to every tricycle franchise holders in the city as assistance in consideration of the rising prices of fuel.

DILG city director Jhoanden Lucero said the PTAP, one of the programs of the administration of President Noynoy Aquino, gives tricycle operators a one time financial aid of P150 to help them cope with the rising prices of fuel nowadays.

The program was activated last March and was supposed to end today but has been extended after it was found out that some franchise holders in the city are holding fake franchises which were issued by a city hall personnel.

Distribution of the assistance has been moved to July 28 until the 29th and will be held at the Mandaue City Sports and Cultural Center.

Tricycle operators are required to bring with them two valid government identification cards to claim their share.

City legal officer James Abadia said the anomaly involving the issuance of fake franchises was discovered last March yet when PTAP funds were about to be distributed.

Abadia said those who were issued with fake franchises will have to secure and pay franchise fees once again at city hall to avoid being apprehended and their vehicles impounded.

But before securing their franchises, operators are advised to secure a Mayor's Permit to get a business plate.

Abadia said the franchise can only be considered genuine when an official receipt is attached on the franchise and signed by him.

A franchise without an official receipt attached to it is considered fake.

As of yesterday, only 120 franchises had been verified as genuine, which means only this number can avail of the PTAP next week.

Based on the city ordinance, city hall will only issue 2,000 franchises but the master list shows 2,600 operators had been issued tricycle franchises.

Abadia said his office will look into this.

Earlier, he said only those who are in the master list are the only ones who could renew their franchises every three years since the city government no longer issues new franchises.

The city only knew about the fake franchise after police complained to city hall that most franchises of motorcycle operators had no official receipts.

It was later learned that operators were instructed by a city hall personnel pay to her for a franchise instead of to the city treasurer's office.

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