Two juveniles arrested for robbing classroom

CEBU, Philippines - Two minors were arrested for allegedly burglarizing a classroom of the Labogon National High School Thursday while two of their companions escaped.

The minors’ two other accomplices eluded arrest.

A witness told SPO1 Ranulfo Quiachon Jr. that one of the suspected burglars served as a lookout while the other detached the grills and seven jalousie blades of a classroom.

Moments later, companions Ruben Precillas, 21, single, and Richard Dela Peña, 22, single, broke into the classroom, followed by the minor who detached the jalousie blades.

Missing from the classroom were two digital cameras, a video camera, one USB, a card reader, and a rechargeable battery.

One of the suspects said they planned the robbery for four days. He said they did it to support their vices and to buy some rice.

He said the lookout did not participate in the planning.

Quiachon said the lookout will serve as a witness against the group for his insignificant participation in the crime.

Charges of robbery have been filed against the three suspects.  (FREEMAN)

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