Mandaue to run after KTV bars

CEBU, Philippines - One of the challenges being faced by the Mandaue City government is the operation of KTV bars that are sprouting like mushrooms anywhere in the city.

Lolita Ganapin, executive director of Bidlisiw Foundation, a non-government organization, said big and small KTV bars are seem to be anywhere in the city and yet only 18 of them are registered with the New Mandaue City Entertainment Bars Association (NEMCEBA).

Bidlisiw, an NGO accredited by the city government, advocates for the prevention of sexually-transmitted diseases and HIV cases and management of the abuse and exploited children and their families.

Ganapin said that just recently, she and some city government officials had a meeting with KTV bar owners and managers in the city and advised to comply with the basic requirements in the operation of their establishments.

Buddy Sanchez of the City Legal Office also said that their office, which heads the anti-indecency board, is just waiting for an executive order coming from Mayor Jonas Cortes for the board to convene.

Sanchez said that once the Cebu Anti-Indecency Board convenes, in coordination with Bidlisiw, which also sits in the board, they will create monitoring teams that will conduct inspections on all the KTV bars in the city to see if they have complied with the requirements.

During the meeting, KTV bar owners were also reminded that unlawful acts like hiring of minors and lewd performances are prohibited. With this, they are advised to require their guest relation officers and bar girls to submit their birth certificates before they will be accepted to work.

Bar owners should ensure that their bar girls have hygiene cards.

A bar owner raised concern if the City Health Office, which issues the hygiene cards, could also conduct a dental checkup on their girls to determine if they are already of legal ages.

Ganapin said the suggestion will be discussed once CAIB convenes.

Also during the meeting, the 18 KTV bar owners complained against the smaller bars that do not follow the policy of the city. They alleged that "indecent acts" are common in these small bars and the city has failed to look into them.

They wanted these small KTV bars not be spared from the conduct of raids once they are proven to have violated the law.

Ganapin however said that as of the moment, they are still waiting for the mission order for the creation of the monitoring teams that will look into the operations of the KTV bars in the city. /WAB (FREEMAN)

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