Dengue Drive: Talisay residents told to clean surroundings

CEBU, Philippines - On account of the rising number of dengue cases, the Talisay City government has urged its residents to clean up in their respective areas regularly to get rid of mosquitoes.

“We’ve noticed that the places with cases of dengue have either stagnant water or unclean surroundings. So, we’re advising the public to cleanup, as it is always the best way to fight the dengue disease,” said City Councilor Choy Aznar, chairman on council committee on Health.

Aznar said that is also the advice of the Department of Health, which has also been adapted by the City Local Health Board during its meeting last March 4.

The legislator said the local health board has also temporarily suspended the use of Fendona, like the misting, which has also been banned since last year, has no proof that it is effective, apart from the fact that it is expensive (P4,500 per bottle). Fendona is pyrethroid insecticide that is said to eliminate disease-causing insects such as mosquitoes.

Its ingredient alphacypermethrin, was used by the city government, after it prohibited misting (earlier introduced by former Councilor and now Provincial Board member Serrie Restauro) as a surface spray.

Aznar however admitted there are still residents who would still prefer misting, but said that would only be used if there is already an epidemic.

Misting is similar to the traditional fogging of mosquitoes, only it uses a solution that does not emit smoke.

Although the city from January to early March recorded 26 dengue cases with five deaths, Aznar said the number does not suggest there is an epidemic already.

He said there is even a “decrease” in the number compared to last year’s 37 average cases in a month.

In 2010, the city registered 444 dengue patients, of which five had died.

Aznar said the deaths could even be prevented if the patients are quickly rushed to hospitals.

He cited the case of Junalyn Hermita, 18, of barangay Cansojong, who had high fever for two weeks before she was taken to hospital.

Aznar said usually it is the lack of money that prevents people from seeking medical help.

Hence, he reminded city residents that the city has financial aid for all dengue victims. The city is giving P5,000 to P10,000 aid to each dengue patient, depending on gravity of his illness, Aznar said.

Last year, when the dengue disease broke out, the city allotted P1 million for assistance to affected residents. – THE FREEMAN

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