A young artist who lives in black

Color barred: Having discovered that she was color blind around six years ago, Nicole Coson's work — and her wardrobe — is predominantly monochrome. Photos by CHOLO DELA VEGA          

MANILA, Philippines - London-based Filipina artist Nicole Coson is usually associated with her big sister, Rogue associate editor and The Manila Review managing editor Mara. However, like most little sisters who eventually come into their own, Nicole is in no way living in her sister’s shadow. Unlike her sister, who chose to pick up a pen, she decided to wield a paintbrush instead — metaphorically, at least; the younger Coson considers herself more of a visual artist than a painter. Currently finishing up her last year at Central Saint Martins, taking up her BA in fine arts, Nicole staged her first solo show, “Spirit Captures,” at West Gallery last August, which featured a series of spooky black and white portraits on monotype printmaking.

For those who have met the young artist in person, they’ll notice that Nicole is in black almost all of the time. “I found out about six years ago that I have a slight case of color blindness, so mixing and matching color isn’t one of my strong suits,” she explains. “So my art is usually black and white, and I’m usually in black. There’s no confusion there.” Fair enough.

YSTYLE: What are doing in London at the moment?

NICOLE COSON: I’m in my final year at Central Saint Martins. Currently preparing for the degree show.

Apart from dressing appropriately for the weather, do you dress differently in Manila than you do in London?

Hard to say! It’s really cold here and it’s really hot there, so I’ve almost got two completely different wardrobes. 

What are you currently working on?

Sculptures and some more monotype prints.

Where do you shop?

I have developed a terrible online shopping addiction since I’ve regained faith in the High Street. I have apps on my phone for all the High Street brands I like. I’ve embraced the future.

What’s the last thing you purchased?

An incredible purple textured fleece robe from Oysho. Cozy! 

Favorite wardrobe piece you keep turning to?

My Black COS boots. I wear them every day.

Most insane garment you’ve ever purchased?

I’m usually quite sensible. But I have a pair of tacky baby pink snakeskin ankle boots. I would never wear them but I like looking at them in my closet. So I’m keeping them with me forever. 

Favorite city: Copenhagen.

Favorite galleries: MoMa PS1 in New York. Whitechapel Gallery and White Cube Bermondsey in London. West Gallery, Finale, Silverlens and Manila Contemporary in Manila.

Favorite artists: Frank Auerbach, Mike Kelley, Mira Schendel, Huma Bhabha, Zhang Huan.

Favorite Sunday afternoon haunt: In London, I wake up late on Sundays and have a full English breakfast by myself at a cafe by my apartment. I replace this with sisig when I’m back in Manila.

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