Old news

A long time ago, maybe a century past, the laboring menfolk had a uniform: chambray shirts, sturdy suspenders and faded, well-worn jeans fashioned with rivets that were put in for actual function rather than any aesthetic purpose. Levi’s practically had the monopoly on blue jeans those days, and they have an entire archive to prove it.

In the 21st century, Levi’s figures: why shouldn’t they dip into their extensive denim annals and come up with a collection that not only kicks ass, but also extends bragging rights of their rich heritage? Hence, the Modern Vintage collection, an innovative take on old-style denim, designed to be Levi’s biggest collection for 2010.

It’s antique blue collar meets contemporary hip. This one takes the rustic fabric, tears, fading, finishing techniques and closures of Levi’s past and combines them with the sexy cuts and fashion-forward attitude of now. A pair has bleached stitching, enlarged buttons with “corroded” finishing, even rivets from 1870s pairs, and a square cut that’s meant to give that sexy low-slung rise.

The Modern Vintage collection has also inspired a website, www.levismodernvintage.com, that invites jeans fans and users to come up with their own personal time capsule and upload images of 10 items they feel would have made a mark come 2020. Needless to say, a Levi’s pair would be on the list.

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The Levi’s Modern Vintage collection is available in slim, straight, bootcut and loose boyfriend cuts and is sold at Original Levi’s stores and Levi’s Premium stores nationwide.

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