Kids of the future

Teen pop survivor: Rez Toledo, founder of #FUTURESTUDIO & Logiclub, has left Someday Dream in the dust. Photos by PAM SANTOS

‘Our goal collectively and as individuals is to become better at what we do, but also be different and new. Of course, in reality it becomes geekier than that.’

MANILA, Philippines - What ever happened to Someday Dream, the popular if polarizing college-aged pop sensation of 2010? For a year, he owned the local Top 40 airwaves, on the wings of his Owl City-esque hit Hey Daydreamer. And then he abruptly disappeared.

A week ago, I received an e-mail from Rez Toledo, the college student behind Someday Dream. It turns out he didn’t disappear. He was just growing up.

And in working and collaborating with his peers, he’s managed to fine-tune his sound. “In 2012, my motto and goal was to build and collaborate,” he explains. “I already had plans for building my studio and founded Logiclub with a group of select producer friends. In 2013, when #FUTURESTUDIO was almost done, it became the space for us to create and collaborate more frequently and more efficiently.” Using his pop star buzz and with a lot of help from his family, he saw his dream come true.

Last Saturday, he launched #FUTURESTUDIO in a listening party called FRESHMEAT. “My studio is designed for (but not limited to) the bedroom electronic producer with a taste for more. When artists like us get to work and gather in such a place, we get more inspired and creative. Some culture and valuing system is created within the small community and it makes us more connected but unique at the same time. This kind of vibe helps us create the music. And that’s the kind of idea we want to share, with and through music.”

Rez has found a family in his peers, promising college-aged acts like DANCEPLAYCREATE, BPVALENZUELA, Iiuwin, She’s Only Sixteen, C R W N, Azada, and Johnpope.

“Our goal collectively and as individuals is to become better at what we do, but also be different and new. Of course, in reality it becomes geekier than that. We do research, meetings, workshops and some knowledge management to implement this goal. We are each other’s support group when it comes to the technicalities of music and producing. At the same time, it’s like a music family.” — Raymond Ang


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Follow Rez Toledo on @rezbts.


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