Possession obsession: Potato salad ?

MANILA, Philippines - I wouldn’t be surprised if 500 years from now they unearth my body, scan my skull, and discover that all I ever thought about was the great “p” to the “otato” salad. Hell, yes. The potato salad, when properly whipped up, is just one of the most dependable, delicious side dishes ever to exist. It’s forever underrated, but I think the side dish is due for a return, if not a rediscovery. You just have to know where to go. In my case, I try to order every p-salad there is in every restaurant I visit, hence a short list of where to get the best:

5. Milkyway
 Anytime something tastes homemade like their potato salad and Russian potato salad, you know you’ve struck Yukon gold. Just kidding, I don’t really know if the potatoes are Yukon Gold potatoes.

4. Rustan’s Gourmet
 Dude, this is actually good. Who cares if it has to say “gourmet” on the cover? It’s something quick but delicious and satisfying. Take it out and snack on a serving back in the office. Yeah, like me.

3. Spiral 
Go to the Japanese section during their breakfast buffet. They don’t serve it at times so that stuff is a hit or miss (and die) kind of thing. It’s got cherry tomatoes in the mix. Mind jizz.

2. Oishinbo in Little Tokyo
This potato salad puts the pot in potato. Soft and full of flavor, the salad is made supreme by what looks like an illegal dose of Japanese mayo smothered on top. So damned tasty. This would have been the best had I not known Number 1…

1. My mom’s Waldorf salad
Technically not a basic potato salad due to the addition of apples and chicken, my mom’s Waldorf salad still wins on account of its secret starve-proof recipe, which you’ll only get to taste if you happen to drop by on Christmas day, which won’t happen unless we are close.                  



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