25 things every Filipino should do before the world ends

The world may be ending. It may not. We’ve been known not to trust Mayans. Still, there are things that should be done regardless — movies to watch, songs to hear, presidents to vote. There isn’t enough time for all, much less a weekly column. But here are the most important (and unofficial) things, 25 to be exact, that every Filipino should do. You can’t call yourself one if you don’t. 

1. Vote. Wisely.

2. Never listen to what Archbishop Arguelles has to say. Ever.

3. Dance. Like you never have before.

4. Stand around with your gut exposed and scratch said gut.

5. Ride a jeepney. But don’t go writing about it like it was some transcendental experience.

6. Tell someone who made life worth living that they made life worth living. Or don’t.

7. Watch TV Patrol. Preferably while inebriated.

8. Watch The World Tonight to see how real news shows should be done.

9. Go on a honeymoon. (Marriage optional.)

10. Watch the old Brockas, Bernals, and de Leon’s. They’re hard to find but there are harder things in life.

11. Marry Cherie Gil.

12. Meet Celine Lopez. And immediately fall in love after.

13. Read up on martial law. Remember.

14. Go to Route 196 on a random night. Even just once.

15. Never say no to free pizza. Especially if it’s Shakey’s garlic and cheese. More so if it’s thin-crust.

16. Buy your dad dinner. Cook for your mom. Forgive your brother for that thing he did five years ago.

17. Talk to Erwin Romulo about music. It’s very humbling.

18. Watch a John Lloyd Cruz movie. Preferably One More Chance.

19. Listen to Up Dharma Down’s “Capacities.” Buy two copies. Give one away.

20. Read Gerry Alanguilan’s Wasted, Elmer, Where Bold Stars Go to Die, and his upcoming Jose Rizal comic.

21. Forget her. Call the other girl.

22. Two words: Sisig burritos. Yes, plural.

23. Join a political rally. Preferably a legitimate one.

24. Follow @iamsuperbianca on Twitter and Instagram.

25. Live your life. And don’t tell anyone about it.



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