Borgy and beyond

Born with a pedigree that allows him a jetset-slash-playboy lifestyle, Borgy Manotoc has chosen to go the Downtown rather than the Uptown way of living: staying in a modest apartment, skateboarding his way around Makati and surrounding himself with artists, musicians and DJs. It is this kind of outlook that separates him from the usual scions of political dynasties. A quick flip through your history books will fully acquaint you with Borgy’s background (he’s the grandson of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos and the son of former Ilocos Norte representative Imee Marcos), thus I will not bore you with the past and instead focus on what’s ahead for one of Manila’s most creative individuals.

When you spot Borgy around, there is no denying his strong sense of personal style. He enters a room with an effortless swagger and can easily strike up a conversation with anyone, be it at a chi-chi opening of an Hermés flagship store or a regular night out with the usual suspects at Happy Mondays. It’s this well-roundedness that encapsulates Borgy’s life.

With the second anniversary of his streetwear store, Bunker, happening this weekend and the opening of a second one on the horizon, it seems that things are looking brighter than ever for someone who calls himself “overrated.”

YOUNG STAR: What are your goals for 2010?

BORGY MANOTOC: We have the two-year anniversary of Bunker on March 28, and I’m planning to open another store at the Ronac Art Center in San Juan, although I can’t reveal the concept just yet. I also want to concentrate on more freelance design projects — anything from furniture to clothes — more collaborations and personal projects. All the things I want to do, I hope I get to do them this year.

Who do you follow on Twitter?

I’m not on Twitter. It sounds like bird noise to me. I have a hard time with my e-mail as it is. I know everyone’s into it, but I haven’t caught up yet. 

What song on-loop would make for musical torture?

Meatloaf’s I’ll Do Anything for Love. It makes you cry every time you hear it.

Which fictional character do you most identify with?

John Leguizamo’s character from Moulin Rouge. He was free and had no social responsibilities. He did things on instinct.

Who do you feel is overrated in the industry?

Myself. I did a guest spot on Channel V and they kept calling me the most eligible bachelor. I’m the most eligible bum there is.

If you could live someone else’s life for a day, whose would it be?

Daft Punk. For a weekend.

What do think when you look at yourself in the mirror?

“Damn, you look tired. Sleep more.”

What is one sweet little lie you’ve told lately?

That I’m gonna finish school. I tell myself that every day.

Have you had any interesting dreams lately?

I have this recurring dream where I’m tiptoeing, then I just fall into a hole. I’m tearing at the walls, then I just black out.

What thought gets you out of bed in the morning?

 “I’m late!” I’ve done my best to live without television for two years but I’m still an insomniac.

If you were given just a weekend to live, what three things would you do?

Skydive in a Superman costume, attend the Love Parade, fly a plane.

What mantra do you live by?

Work hard and be nice to people. As long as you live by the idea of what you want, you’re going to be okay.

What do you consider the greatest invention?

Fire. It’s the root of all energy. People woudn’t be able to cook without it and we’d be scavengers.

What should men never say?

Men should never say that women are complicated. It’s just because we don’t understand them.

What should women never do?

Change a man.

Who has the sexiest brain for you?

Bjork. Now that’s a pretty sexy brain.

What’s the worst thing you’ve heard about yourself?

Everyone presumes that I’m just a model, people get to know a certain angle of your life and they presume that’s all you are. Not everyone fits into stereotypes.

If you found yourself on Death Row, what would be your last meal?

I’ll start with French onion soup; for the main course, Chirashizushi (raw fish on top of rice); for desert, banana split with cotton candy.

What would you rather be doing right now?


What do you love about your job?

Every day is different. I work with people who make things either crazy or fun — but usually fun.

Which presidentiable would you like to have a cocktail with?

Noynoy. I think that would be a pretty interesting conversation.

Do you have any battle scars?

Not anything with a good story. I have a scar on my chin, I want to tell people it’s from a bar brawl, but really it was from when I was 13 at a pool party and I dove into a pool three feet deep.

Whose body makes you feel like touching it?

There’s so many to choose from! But I’d have to settle with Halle Berry 10 years ago. I feel like I have to touch her. Even if she just walks by and I reach out for her shoulder.

What advice would you have given yourself 10 years ago?

Finish everything you start, you moron.

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