That young hot Phil

The hottest cutie in Philippine football has just stepped into the limelight. Phil Younghusband, a Filipino-Brit from Ashford, Middlesex, England, is a 19-year-old, 5’11” footballer who dreams of becoming the most bankable player in football history. And it seems, with the skill that he possesses, it’s only a matter of time before that dream comes true.

On the field, Phil is a striker and a true scorer. In fact, it was his top-scoring performance for his first team, the Chelsea Youth Team, that earned him a slot in the Chelsea Football Club reserve team today.

With the support of his family (especially older brother James Younghusband with whom he shares a passion and talent for the game), Phil also decided to join the Philippine National Team in 2005. He has since participated in a number of national and international competitions, including the ASEAN Football Championship where he was a top scorer in the qualifiers.

Phil definitely has skill. And this young man has a whole lot of charm, which is why he’s being eyed to become an endorser for famous brands such as Tissot, Appetime, Storm London, Lego and Tommy Hilfiger.

At the moment, Phil’s home team, the Chelsea Football Club, is discussing his future with the US Major Football League. And should things go as expected, this football wonder may soon find himself playing for the LA Galaxy alongside one of his idols, David Beckham.

But before he makes his way to LA, Young Star caught up with Phil Younghusband, who talked about football, among other things. Excerpts of the interview:
YOUNG STAR: How did you come to discover your love for football?

PHIL YOUNGHUSBAND: I came to love football through my dad. My dad was my idol who I looked up to, and he loved football so I loved football. It’s the big-gest sport in England and in the world, and watching it on TV was a constant reminder that that’s what I wanted to do.

Did you ever imagine that this sport would play a role in your life?

Yes, I did because playing football is all I have ever wanted to do. It’s either football or nothing. Every day is football. If I have a day off, I’m either still playing football or watching it.

Which football legend would you love to share the field with?

I would love to play against Diego Maradona because he is, in my opinion, the best player to ever grace a football pitch and to be able to say I tackled him just once would be a huge achievement.

Would you rather play with or against your brother?

I would rather play with my brother because he complements my game. He is a striker’s dream. He can find you with a pass or cross and always seems to set me up when we play together. We are telepathic on the pitch and we understand each other’s game.

You might be sharing the field with David Beckham soon. What do you think that would be like?

Very exciting. A chance to play with one of the best players in the world and my boyhood hero would be a dream come true.
Do you think it would do your career good to be based in LA?

The best football career move would be to go to LA Galaxy for a loan period to gain first-team experience and play in front of big crowds and then come back to England, hopefully, a better player.

What would you say has been your most embarrassing moment in football?     I was playing a game for the Philippines in the SEA games and accidentally tripped over the flag on the side of the pitch. People who were watching thought the opposing player had fouled me, but I did trip over the flag.

Do you believe you’re fated for football success?

I’d like to think so. But no matter what fate has in store for me, I know I’m going to give everything to be successful and get to the top.

Complete this sentence: I can never go out to the field without ______.

Tape on my wrist.

Outside of football, who would you say is your biggest role model?

My dad. Without him, I wouldn’t be where I am today. But I’m sure if he was still alive, I would be farther than where I am today.

Would you rather dress for sense or style?

Sense. I like to feel comfortable with what I am wearing.

What’s the weirdest thing in your closet?

A T-shirt that has a woman’s body printed on it. When you wear it, it looks like you have a woman’s body.

What’s the wildest present you’ve ever received?

A sex toy. I won’t go into detail.

What’s the most expensive thing you ever bought for yourself?

My car. A silver Mark 5 Volkswagen Golf.

Would you rather be a cutie or a hottie?

I’d rather be both. But if I had to choose, I would rather be a hottie because if you’re hot, girls tend to be talking sexier and I like that. (Laughs.)

What do you think makes a man a man?

If he is able to make and inspire a girl to become a better woman.

If you could ask a girl out to dinner right now, who would it be and where would you take her?

Jessica Simpson. I would take her out for a romantic dinner, get her drunk, and take her back to my house (laughs) or the movies.

Are you a picky eater? What particular food grosses you out the most?

I’m not a picky eater, but I don’t like fish. The smell turns me off. But if I have to eat it to satisfy someone, I will.

What food or dish would you not mind having every day?

I love a roast dinner. Roast potatoes, red meat, Yorkshire pudding, and vegetables. I could have that every day.

Would you say you’re more body-conscious or health-conscious?

I’m both. Playing for Chelsea means you get advice from the best nutritionists and fitness coaches in the world.

Do you believe in diets? Do you think diets are important to athletes?

Diets are important. Seventy-five percent of fat loss is through the food you consume. What you eat affects how you perform on the pitch and it is important you obtain the right diet if you want to be the best.

How do you keep yourself in shape? What’s a typical day in the gym like for you?

I don’t use running machines because I do all my running in training. When I use the gym, it’s for strengthening. Whether it’s my inner core or my muscles. I tend to do more leg weights, due to the importance of your legs in football. I do a lot of power work — squats and plyometrics.

What other sports are you into?

All sports. While I was growing up, I tried to participate in every sport I knew. At the moment, other than football, I’m really into tennis.

Describe your future in one word.


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