I want my MTV Pilipinas

August flew past so quickly that I, the self-proclaimed Procrastinatron, find myself still rushing to meet deadlines from weeks ago. The life of a college student is never easy. I have essays, scripts and promotional snippets to write. I have a really thick psychology textbook to read, not to mention a seemingly endless pile of reading material to pore through for my other subjects. And then there’s PMS (if you’re a girl, which, if you haven’t noticed, I am) and the usual daily drama to deal with.

People like me always need a break. Badly.

Some of us find our relaxation in retail therapy, or as it is more commonly known, shopping. I think I could really get into this if I had the funds, but alas, I share the plight of many teenagers. I am broke. (If TopShop wants to give me a shopping spree, however…) Some might find their release in athletics. I run like a pansy and I look like a moron doing it, so that’s definitely out.

And still, some find their peace in music, whether it’s simply listening to it, making it, or engaging in serious debate about it. This is the category I fall under, and fortunately for me, the universe continually conspires to bring me closer to what I need. There are great gigs every weekend in fun places like 6underground, Café sa Guijo, and Big Sky Mind, but the ultimate gig of August had to be the MTV Pilipinas Video Music Awards.

I’ve always been the kind of person who never gets tired of seeing the same band play over and over and over, and also, the kind who doesn’t mind going from one place to another in a single night to hear some really great music.

On August 14, 2006, the PAGCOR Grand Theater had almost everybody I wanted to see, and then some. Rock Star: INXS runner-up MiG Ayesa was present, and, for that matter, so was INXS, who won the MTV Inspiration Award. My friend Carla and I found ourselves seated in front of Ryan Cayabyab and Pilita Corrales. I was especially thrilled to discover that Jolina Magdangal was presenting an award, along with other celebrities like Kristine Hermosa and Diether Ocampo, Dingdong Dantes, Marvin Agustin, Aubrey Miles, Rica Peralejo, and several others who I have since forgotten since I have the memory of a goldfish.

It being an awards night dedicated to music, of course there were loads of musicians and rock stars present. Favorites Christian Bautista, Hale, Sponge Cola, Cueshe, Kitchie Nadal, Barbie Almalbis, Mojofly, Pupil and Rivermaya were there, among (yes) many, many others that I don’t have the space to mention. I do, however, have enough room to mention the amazing performances of the evening. The always adorable Itchyworms played their hits "Akin Ka Nalang" and my current favorite, "Beer," and although I’m not a big fan of hip-hop or R&B, I enjoyed Jay-R’s collaboration with Mike Swift and Jimmy Muna.

I had a lot of trouble deciding on the standout performance of the night, though. Was it Dicta License, who played an incredible medley of Francis M hits in honor of the MTV Generations Award winner? Was it Sandwich, whose legendary frontman, Raimund Marasigan, emerged from backstage with bat wings strapped to his back for the closing performance of their hit song "Sugod"? (By the way, "Sugod" won Best Video and definitely deserved it.)

Who should win Best Headstand? Aia de Leon of Imago (who performed their latest single, "Taralets" while the people in the mosh pit tossed colorful balloons back and forth)? Or Jay Contreras of Kamikazee (who kicked the night off with a seriously enjoyable collaboration with Parokya Ni Edgar)?

Which set gave me more goosebumps? Up dharma Down’s performance of "Maybe" and "Pag-Agos," which was so good that even INXS gave them a standing ovation? Or Urbandub’s ever-electrifying "Endless, A Silent Whisper" and "First of Summer"?

Here I am, undecided. However, the hottest special guest of the night had to be JD Fortune of INXS, hands down! Every girl who was there that night (and some of the guys, too) will definitely agree with me.

And, of course, the breakdown of winners:

Favorite Pop Video
Hale for "Kung Wala Ka"

Best Animated Video —
Mojofly for "Tumatakbo"

Favorite Hip-hop/R&B Video —
April for "Stay Real"

Favorite Rock Video —
Pupil for "Nasaan Ka?"

SMART Texters’ Choice Hitmaker of the Year Award —

Favorite Indie Video —
Mojofly for "Tumatakbo"

Favorite International Video —
Green Day for "Wake Me Up When September Ends"

Best Director —
Marie Jamora for "Sugod" by Sandwich

Best Production Design in a Video
Sandwich for "Sugod"

Best Editing in a Video
Sandwich for "Sugod"

Best Cinematography in a Video —
Bamboo for "Much Has Been Said"

Favorite Group in a Video —
Rivermaya for "Sunday Driving"

Favorite Male in a Video —
Christian Bautista for "Invincible"

Favorite Female in a Video —
Kitchie Nadal for "Fire"

Favorite New Artist in a Video —
Sitti for "Para Sa Akin"

Video of the Year —
Sandwich for "Sugod"

Special Awards:

MTV Inspiration Award —

MTV Generations Award —
Francis M

You can, thankfully, catch the show one last time on September 5, Tuesday, at midnight. Do you even have to ask what channel? In the meantime, I shall trudge on in my grand and glorious quest to put off everything for as long as I can. Until next week!

As always, you can e-mail me at bewaretheashtraygirl@yahoo.com.

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