Spandex ballet

If I had a penny (or the peso equivalent) each time I caught someone bitching about their suit, I’d be a happy – and debt-free – camper by now. With the number of swimwear designers popping up into the local scene (I have a feeling we can populate the Fiji Islands with these people), the complaints have been lessening by an exponential degree. The influx of young designers with a fresh eye for fabric and a modern take on style has made the public pool area less of an eyesore. No more frumpy suits in tacky shades of hot pink and purple with those little fringe skirts. No more ice skating uniforms masquerading as swimwear. These days, what passes for a bikini is intricately designed strips of gorgeous fabric in minute amounts plastered over important body parts. Or those complex maillots that make tanning much more interesting. The beach-hopping crowd can now breathe a sigh of relief and say hail to the messiahs of bathing apparel. If only Rudy Gernreich were here, he’d realize his monokini wasn’t for naught.

These days, two people have been making waves in the swimwear scene: Zon, a young hot designer with a penchant for sexy trunks that transform any guy into Ricky Martin (or a less gay version thereof) and Charina, another young designer who’s slowly establishing herself as the woman of the embellished party suit.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet the frontrunners of swim style. Zon and Charina, say hello to your swimfans.
: Most of my friends call me Jhon. Some people use Zon but my real name is Rolando Ogayon Jr.

: 30 and counting

Personal style:
I’m a chameleon

How would you describe the swimwear industry today?

For women, I think it’s getting better and better. But for men, we have a lot of catching up to do. I was at the gym selling swimwear once, and a lady came up and started browsing. I told her my swimsuits were for men, and she replied – annoyingly – "How come they come in floral prints and are so colorful?" I smiled and informed her that surf shorts come in colors as well.

Why swimwear and not, say, menswear?

I believe success begins when you start doing what you really like. I fancy swimwear a lot. I used to buy suits from other designers then I realized I could make my own so I did.

Now that there’s been a boom in local swimwear collections, locals now have a lot to choose from. How does your label stand out?

I think guys only have two choices: boring or Zon.

What kind of swimsuit did you wear as a kid?

I remember wearing a neon green swimsuit from my sister. I liked it. It made me visible even underwater (laughs).

Do you wear your own stuff to the beach?

All the time. I pack more swimsuits than anything else when I go to the beach. I don’t think it’s fashionable to wear the same swimsuit throughout your stay at the beach.

What are the origins of your label’s name?

Zon was a nickname given to me by my Japanese nephew. I’m the seventh in our family.

What’s the difference between your suits and the more mainstream labels?

Mine isn’t mass produced. I produce, at most, one dozen per style. Every month, I have new designs to sell. If you haven’t seen my collection, I have the most colorful suits available here.

What’s your design philosophy?

Don’t make it if you can’t wear it.

Your price range?

P500. Very affordable, right?

Where is it available?

You can log on to The shops are listed on the website. Or call 0197-5018394 or e-mail

What’s your current collection’s theme?

"Choose not to fake." It’s about wearing what you feel like and just being happy about it.


I’m inspired by people who dare to do what they like.

Your signature style?

Right now, it’s the sunga, classic Brazilian swimwear. It’s more like boy shorts but I cut the leg part higher than usual. The hip line falls lower so it shows more leg. I’ve also reduced the size to fit the Asian market. Plus, it enhances the behind.

What are the styles currently available?

My suits are available in colorful floral sunga and swim briefs (more revealing versions – I actually use them as underpants when I’m wearing low-waist jeans) in spandex.

Who did you have in mind when you were designing this?

Myself (laughs). I’m selfish.

What’s your process in creating a collection? How do you begin?

I always start with the material available, since I still can’t manufacture my own fabric, then I match it with other colors. I never have a problem combining colors. I have a gift for it.

What’s sexy for you when it comes to swimwear?

Swimwear is sexy when the person wearing it feels sexy.

Can anyone wear your suits or are they for a person of a certain body type?

Zon is dedicated to fashionable young men. Hey, it’s for anyone with confidence.

What’s the best thing someone can say to compliment your label?

Not a word. Just wear Zon.

Plans for future collections?

It’s a secret. Hint: I won’t go back to shorts.
Charina Sarte


Personal style:
Feminine and romantic infused with street style

Why Minx?

A minx is a provocative woman who uses her charm to manipulate men. There is a minx within every girl or woman that is waiting to come out.

Do you wear your own stuff to the beach?

Yes, almost all the time. But if I see something that catches my eye which I didn’t design I don’t mind wearing it. I appreciate a good piece when I see it.

Why swimwear and not RTW?

Minx Swim also carries a collection of day-to-night pieces which includes coverups, beach gowns and lounge pants which are all ready-to-wear.

What kind of swimsuit did you wear as a kid?

I don’t remember exactly the first suit I wore but I’m pretty sure they were the big old baggy suits from back-in-the day. I remember hating going to the beach or the pool because I had to wear these suits that had cups that were so big and bottoms that were like diapers. I guess that’s why I was inspired to make my own suits.

What’s sexy for you when it comes to swimwear?

Any style can be sexy depending on the treatment and the cut.

What’s the difference between your suits and the more mainstream labels?

For starters, the cut is always very flattering. None of those huge cups or bottoms that I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing. The look is more frou frou and glamorous. Every collection is made with the best quality fabric and the yummiest colors of the season.

What’s your design philosophy?

I always design with my clients in mind. So every time I design a piece for Minx, I always try to consider style and comfort.

Your inspiration?

My girlfriends. They are as colorful and fun as this collection.

Price range?

P2,500 and up.

Where is it available?

House of Laurel, Culte Femme at Rustans, Souk gallery and Mix at Greenbelt 3. Or you can call 0917-9011922 or e-mail

What’s your current collection’s theme?


What are colors and fabrications we can expect this season?

My colors for summer are aqua, magenta, gunmetal, white and black. I also have zebra prints. I did a lot of cutouts, draping (believe it or not) and, of course, my signature embellishment, rosettes.

Who did you have in mind when you were designing this?

In Celine speak, all "fight" girls.

What’s the best thing someone can say to compliment your suit?

I usually get: I love the fabric, the cut and the style. The whole shebang. I’m pretty spoiled.

Any plans for future collections?

Key word: James Bond.

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