Erase errata

February 4 is our September 11. It is abject poverty and media spectacle combined to form a different kind of drama, of symbolic violence and despair, and of death: a real sacrificial slaughter of the masses and their eventual resurrection to terrorize reality TV.

We all probably have dreamt of this event, since no one can avoid dreaming of the annihilation of any power that has grown to be god-like.

The story of stampedes is the new exodus – people being trampled to death on their way to being one with their god – be it God, Sports, Celebrity or Money. Just last month, a stampede in Mecca killed at least 345 Muslims during the last day of Hajj. In 1989, a stampede at Hillsborough stadium in England slaughtered 96 during a soccer semi-final. There was, of course, the Who concert. And now Wowowee.

Wowowee. What’s in a name? Full of meanings.

Erratum: We are all sorry.

Martyrdom in such religious occasions is believed to assure the dead of a place in heaven – a paradise full of angels running (or flying) with no clear direction or purpose, destroying everything in its path.

Paradise included.

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